Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My sweet handsome baby

My sweet handsome baby!

Dinner before John Mayer concert!

weeee dessert

champagne in paper cups -- you like? LOL  Class alllll the way with me.

a little tipsy maybe already lol

<3   John Mayer!  niiiiice  8/1/10

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Felt good to be out yesterday.  I felt wonderful and left pain -- in fact I only took one pain pill the whole day.  David snapped this pic -- love the white pale legs? LOL  In the back ground is Sam and between us are some lovely white birch trees -- they always remind me of Belarus and our adoption trip.
Not a nice pic of me grimacing with the pain ... but I cut my own food and was proud. We went to lunch with our niece Vickie and Godson Joshie.  David to my left LOL